about me
Growing up I was a shy kid. It was hard for me to make friends, so I found comfort in tv and video games. I was always pumped to see the energy that every character could bring into the story. I felt connected to these characters and they inspired me to try to bring that energy into my own story, especially anime characters in series like Dragon Ball Z, whose characters have impressive physiques and whose idea of training is focused on breaking any limits. However, I always felt weak and tired compared to the other kids my age. Rather than bringing that energy into the real world that my favorite characters had, I felt frustrated thinking I was inferior to the rest of the kids. I didn't know what to do about it until I discovered weight training when I was 16 years old. Knowing that feeling of lifting weights changed everything for me. After that, I was committed to improving my body, and my energy and motivation were higher than I had ever felt. Eventually, I decided to compete in natural bodybuilding for a few years and then decided to become a Personal Trainer in 2015. Since then I have committed my energy to continue learning from highly knowledgeable people about mobility and body mechanics to improve strength and muscular development. For the past 6 years, I have been helping people improve mobility, strength, and body composition. Nowadays, I find energy in helping people make a change in their life, just like I did with mine.